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Criminal sentencing outcome

Current lockdown situation at District Court Jurisdiction

This is another challenging year as we are in lockdown level 4, where our movements, schedules, plans, and decisions were very restricted and highly affected. It is the same with District Court proceedings where most matters were adjourned and given priority to matters classified as “priority proceedings”. These proceedings are those involving defendants who are in custody, urgent application for variation of conditions of bail including electronic monitoring bail and matters considered by a Judge to warrant urgent judicial consideration or determination. All these matters are conducted via AVL unless directed otherwise by the presiding Judge to appear in person.

Preparations, Plans & Researches

Our criminal lawyers are experts who provide advise to our clients of how outcome for each matters look like. Remember, not every matters the same. Your case is our priority, and we do our best in our plans to research your matter properly, prepare quality applications and submissions, and fight for your case before the Judge. We always in contact with clients to ensure we get all we ask for to support cases, get it on time to avoid delay and adjournment.

Successful sentencing outcome for our clients

Regardless of lockdown disruptions this year, we got best outcomes for our clients who were charged with Indecent Assaults, Family Violence, Common Assaults, Theft, Drink Drive, Drive while disqualified, burglary, breaches of community detention and sentencing, Fraud and other matters.

One example of Indecent Assault case (penalty of 7 years imprisonment) we had judge alone trial in April 2021, the Judge found our client Not Guilty to the charge.

A case of Fraud that we worked on January/February 2021 was withdrawn by Police. We also have successful outcomes on discharge without conviction for another Indecent Assault matter, several drink drive and all other violence matters.

Most of our clients are very satisfied and happy of their court case outcomes.

And that’s how we roll, your matter is our priority!

Please contact us should you have any concerns on your criminal matter.


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