A common issue faced by many businesses and individuals is the recovery of overdue money from individuals and companies for products or services provided.

On the other hand, you could be at the receiving end of a claim being made against you which you dispute and deny liability to pay for your own reasons.
First let’s focus on the scenario where you are trying to claim an overdue amount from someone.
Usually when informal requests are made from the individual or company concerned by texts or emails for payment these are responded with assurances that payment will be made in due course and then responses to communication is discontinued. That is when many are left in a quandary not knowing what to do. That is the stage where Legal Associates can assist you to recover your overdue money.
The process of recovery begins with a formal Letter of Demand being sent to the debtor. The letter will specify the nature of the claim and give the debtor time limit to pay the overdue amount and warn the debtor that if payment is not made by the set deadline, then legal action will be initiated.
If the money is not paid then legal action needs to be initiated. If the claim is below $30,000 an application needs to be filed in the Disputes Tribunal for recovery. If the claim is more than $30,000 then the proceedings need to be filed in the District Court for recovery.
On the other hand, you may have received a Letter of Demand and you dispute that you owe that money due to your own reasons. How do you proceed?
Either way Legal Associates can assist with the recovery or dispute of liability.
Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to discuss how best to recover the money owed to you or dispute the claim made against you.
