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Job Check- points to keep in mind for the employers…

Chethani Serasundera

To start the application following needs to be prepared:

· Accreditation to hire on the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV)

· Job description and employment agreement

· Evidence for advertised job (if the job pays less than twice the median wage or is not on the Green List)

· The Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) code that best matches the job you are offering based on the INZ view of ANZSCO.

  • The job advertisement needs to be advertised for 14 days

  • The advertisement is only valid for 90 days

  • A job check is only valid for 6 months from approval.

  • You can include several roles in one job check if:

  1. the job details such as occupation, pay rate, location and minimum requirements are the same

  2. they are covered by the same advertising and employment agreement.

  • If the migrant declines the job or doesn't meet the visa requirements, you can use the job token again to offer the position to another qualified applicant. Unless it has already expired, you do not need to redo the job check.

  • Same job token cannot be used at the same time for another work visa application.

  • You cannot use the same approved job to support another AEWV application in cases where an AEWV application has been denied but the applicant is qualified to have their application reconsidered. Until the reconsideration is decided or until you notify INZ that you have withdrawn the employment offer from the applicant, the same job check cannot be used.

  • You may use the accepted job to support another AEWV application if you inform INZ that you have withdrawn your employment offer to an AEWV candidate and the AEWV application has not yet been decided.


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