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Chethani Serasundera

Latest updates on border exceptions

Further update on Border restrictions was announced by the Government on 15th December 2021 in order to allow skilled workers to come into New Zealand under the current border restrictions.

The latest border class exception is mainly focussed on the technology sector which will enable 600 specialist tech workers, their partners and dependent children to come to New Zealand. This class exception is likely to commence from early 2022. This border class exception includes workers such as:

  • Software and Application Programmers- annual salary threshold that needs to be met is $120,000

  • ICT Managers - annual salary threshold that needs to be met is $120,000

  • ICT Security Specialist - annual salary threshold that needs to be met is $120,000

  • Multimedia Specialists - annual salary threshold that needs to be met is $95,000

Further new border exceptions include the following:

  • 180 external auditors (plus partners and dependent children). Remuneration threshold will be at least:

    • $70,000 per annum for auditors with 2-3 years relevant experience - $85,000 per annum for auditors with at least 4 years’ relevant experience

  • 50 wool handlers, with at least one season’s experience in a similar jurisdiction and paid at least $30 an hour


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