The Parent Resident Visa restarted on 12 October 2022 with reduced requirements for sponsors.
Number of visas available each year will be increased from 1,000 to 2,500.
Reduced Requirements for SPONSORS
- Allowing 2 adult children, rather than just an adult child and their partner, to combine their income to sponsor parents
- Sponsor(s) must be NZ resident for at least 3 years
- Income requirements lowered – sponsor now needs to earn 1.5 times the median wage rather than twice. This limit increases by half the median wage for each joint sponsor or additional parent
- Sponsor must earn the income threshold for at least 2 years in the 3 year period
- Current median wage is $57,740.80 but it will be $61,692.80 from 27 February 2023
- Income Table (NZ$)
o 1 Sponsor

o 2 Sponsors

Existing EOIs (received before 12 October 2022)
2,000 will be selected every year in the date order INZ received the EOI.
First Selection of existing EOIs will be on 14 November 2022 and continue to select every 3 months until all existing EOIs are selected.
Existing applications will be assessed based on the new requirements.
You can either update or withdraw your EOI.
New EOIs (received after 12 October 2022)
All new EOI goes into a ballot for random selection, and it will expire after 2 years.
First random selection – August 2023, then every 3 months after that.
From May 2023, EOI can be submitted online.
500 visas will be available each year

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